Monday, April 19, 2010

I usually start the trends...

A number of friends have started blogs recently, and I've decided to join the band wagon...we shall see how long it lasts, but for now, welcome to my blog. I'm not really sure how this whole blogging world if you have tips, feel free to let me know. If you are reading this, you probably know me at least a little, cause otherwise why would you care? Though I am somewhat of a celebrity in amongst the people I know, so I guess you should care. Haha. You should be prepared for alot of ellipses in this blog...I write very train of thought.  Anywho...I guess I will be blogging about things on my mind or occurrences in my life.  If there is a topic you feel I should or should not be touching on, who cares? Get your own blog. That being said...if you have a blog of your own, please share it with me, so I can copy your entries and change the names. Welcome to THE LIFE AND TIMES OF WONDER BUG.

**Footnote regarding the title of this blog:  You may be asking yourself, "what is a wonder bug, and what sort of time does it keep"...well my friends, the origin of this name comes from my lifelong nickname---the "official name" is Jiffy Bug (you may have seen the tattoo on my wrist of that name)...I have been called this my whole life. My Dad shortened it further to just "Jiffy" (I think he's called me Jennifer twice in my life), and my uncle has only ever called me "Bug" (even my cousins call me Bug...I'm not sure if they even know my real name). ANYWAY....upon seeing the new AWESOME movie "KICK-ASS" yesterday, my friends and I decided to give ourselves superhero names (though I chose the name Wonder Bug prior to actually watching the film, and afterwards thought I should have chosen something a bit more fierce (and I mean actually threatening in appearance or demeanor not the Tyra Banks/Beyonce kind of fierce).  And while we are on the subject of nicknames...I only go by the following: Jiffy, Bug, Radar, JD, or Baby. PLEASE DO NOT CALL ME JENN. ok thanks. Now that I have finally gotten that off my chest.  My friends, finding Bug to be rather endearing, seem to be in attempt to establish that as a "community wide" nickname, which I am totally on board with. yeah, that explains the name of my blog. Also, I get on random tangents.

Have fun in the inter-workings of my random thoughts :). I'm glad you're here.

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